NOTE: This allows all of the benefits of NGIO without having NGIO installed, which prevents some visual glitches caused by the game's native grass cache in BOTH versions of the SSE runtime. Pre-cached grass required by NGIO in the 1.5.97 runtime version of SSE can also be used under the runtime with Grass Cache Fixes (GCF).Thanks to NGIO, no grass will be placed within objects like rocks, walls, stairs, planks, etc.
In other words, cached grass offers two distinct benefits: Secondarily, this guide explains how to generate a custom grass cache, which is required by No Grass In Objects (NGIO), regardless of grass LOD. The primary purpose of this guide is to explain the process by which grass LOD can be generated for Skyrim Special Edition with NGIO support.
2.7 Step 7: AE users only - Complete the following.2.5 Step 5: AE users only - Temporarily downgrade to runtime Step 3 (optional): Take Steps to Speed Up Grass Pregeneration.